Image caption: Apple showrooms were prototyped in a warehouse and refined until Steve Jobs was happy with them. Then they were constructed on sites. Each location brought on specific challenges, but the base showroom design remained intact. Jobs brought industrial design thinking and methodology to a construction project. This methodology can be utilized in modular housing projects to bring on better design for less cost.
Image caption: Fiats have hardly changed from 1962 (left image) to 2012 (center image). But, through the years they have been continuously refined and streamlined, with new technologies and ideas incorporated. The 2012 Fiat 500 interior (right) shows a beautiful product, well-thought out and economical. This industrial design thinking can be utilized in modular housing projects to bring on better design for less cost.
Image caption: IKEA has well designed products that are ingeniously engineered for minimized packaging, ease of assembly and efficient use of materials. And, they are very cost effective. This industrial design thinking and methodology can be utilized in modular housing projects to bring on better design for less cost.
Kah San Two
Most of the time, housing units are completely redesigned for every project. Modular housing emphasizes as much unit standardization as possible. Units designed for production can reap the benefits of more emphasis on details and materials, like industrially designed products. This standardization can result in better designed units, an on-going review and improvement to units in subsequent projects, and architectural/engineering fee reduction.
Hamilton Mountain,
Columbia Gorge,